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Kitties 101

01 Feline rhinotracheitis

Feline rhinotracheitis is a viral disease of cats and kittens that is primarily a problem in catteries and shelter environments.  Symptoms include sneezing, runny eyes and nose, conjunctivitis, and occasionally pneumonia.  Occasionally cats develop a bacterial respiratory infection concurrently with this viral disease.  Many cats infected with this virus become life-long carriers of the virus, but may not always show symptoms.

02 Feline calicivirus

Feline calicivirus is another respiratory virus of cats and kittens which causes conjunctivitis, runny eyes and nose, as well as ulcerations in the mouth.  There is a newer strain of calici that can cause fatal disease.

03 Feline Distemper

Vaccines for Feline Distemper usually given in combination with Respiratory Diseases.  All cats should be vaccinated routinely for Rabies and Distemper/Respiratory Disease.

04 Feline Leukemia Virus

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) can become a life-long infection in cats that can suppress the immune system as well as inducing tumor formation.  Most cases of FeLV are spread from direct contact with other cats.  Cats that spend time outside where they might come into contact with neighbor or stray cats should be vaccinated for FeLV.

05 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is another immunosuppressive virus that can also become a  life long disease.  Treatment for this virus is primarily supportive.  There is a vaccine for this virus but it is not recommended for most cats.

06 Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats where the virus invades certain blood cells and the cat’s immune system creates a severe inflammatory response to the infected tissues.  The disease is almost always fatal.  The vaccine for FIP is controversial and not widely recommended.

07 Vaccine Schedule

Kittens, like puppies need a series of vaccines as they are growing.  We usually start vaccines at 8 weeks of age and continue these until the kittens reach 16 weeks of age.  Boosters are then done annually.

08 Parasites

Cats and kittens are susceptible to intestinal parasites.  A stool sample can be examined microscopically to detect worms.  All new cats and kittens in a household should be checked for worms as some intestinal parasites of cats can also infect humans. Cats can also be plagued with fleas and ticks.  Extra care must be taken when treating cats and kittens with insecticides as cats tend to be more sensitive to these chemicals compared to dogs.  Check with our staff for safe alternatives to treat and prevent these parasites.

09 Nutrition

There is an endless number of options of pet foods available.  Pet food is like most everything else…you get what you pay for.  As a minimum, use a well-known national brand pet food.  Avoid generic labels and store-brands.  Visit with us for specific recommendations  for your pet.

10 Spaying & Neutering

Pet over-population is a huge problem in this country, millions of pets are euthanized annually for the lack of homes.  Any pet we don’t specifically plan to breed should be spayed or neutered.  Intact male cats are prone to marking their territory by spraying urine.  Neutering usually curbs this behavior.